By john


I wrote a book!  It's titled Understanding the Prophetic Nature.  It took me a year, but it is finally finished.  I spoke my heart in the pages of that book and I'm hoping that its message will impact my readers.  Now, I have to get it published!  That process, I'm finding, is not a simple path.  There is a whole lot more to this publishing thing than simply smearing ink on paper.  So, we're taking it one step at a time and this website – – is our first practical step.

Of course, this site's primary purpose is to get the word out about this book and its message, but I have bigger plans for it than just that – especially for this blog.  Of course, I want to discuss Understanding the Prophetic Nature and I'm hoping the comment sections will provide for some lively discussion.  I also have been finding that my interest in end-time prophecy has been growing lately and I'd like to discuss that topic as well – especially in light of current events.  Then, too, I'm a pastor/teacher and presenting strong, solid, biblically-based Christian teaching is a passion that drives me.  So, I intend to include posts of that type here, too.

So, welcome!  Be sure to bookmark this site and click the RSS feed so you won't miss any posts.  We'll be on G+, Facebook & Twitter soon, so be sure to friend/follow us there.  We'll also be making the book introduction available for you to download soon (free).  That should give you a feel for what Understanding the Prophetic Nature is all about.  When we get a book cover designed we'll post that as well.  We plan to publish in both printed and electronic formats and will keep you posted as things progress.

God bless!

John T Reagan
